More information for 2023 to come
Live long, keep calm, and run or walk! How far? Doesn’t matter the distance!
Running or walking is good for our health.
Imagine that—you’ll be doing it for a good cause.
Join us on Date to be determineOctober 8, 2022
Visit Eventbrite or visit www.ridayofportugal.org and register today!
Fazer a diferença mantendo-se saudável é muito gratificante. Participe no RI Day of Portugal 2nd 5K Walk/Run em 8 de outubro em benefício da MÃE Organization and American Cancer Society para conscientização sobre os sem-abrigo/sem tecto e câncer de próstata.
**Making a difference while staying healthy is very rewarding. Join RI Day of Portugal 2nd 5K Walk/Run on October 8 benefiting MÃE Organization and American Cancer Society for homelessness and prostate cancer awareness.
Please visit back at end of June

Runners: view your 5K Overall Results here.